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Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton was born on 16 August 1980. Her mother was a piano teacher so she learn to play piano from very early age. When she was 9 years old became obsessed with ballet. At the age of 14 she took admission in the School of American Ballet and enrolling in the Professional Children's School. During this time period she continue  and polished her skills to play piano, singing and song writing.

After this she moved to Hell's Kitchen There she start working as waitresses for five nights a week and start performance in a club on  open mic nights. Vanessa Carlton was signed to A&M Records in 2001. Her first video "A Thousand Miles," hit MTV as well as cracking the American Top Ten Songs. Her first album was "Be Not Nobody" was released in April 2002. Vanessa Carlton is a very talented singer as her writes her own songs and also plays piano and guitar. Let's have a look on Vanessa Carlton.

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton

Vanessa Carlton