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Happily Ever After: Birgit Holmquist and Colonel Baron Friedrich Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge

For those of you who don't know, the famous and beautiful actress Uma Thurman comes from a family where the women were known for their physical appearances.Her mother is none other than the former 50's and 60's fashion model, Nena von Schlebrügge, and her grandmother served as a model for Axel Ebbe's statue of a nude woman that overlooks the harbor of Smygehuk in Sweden from 1930.
the statue of Birgit Holmquist, Uma's grandmother
Nena, Uma's mother
Uma Thurman

The love story that I want to share with you is about Uma's grandparents: Birgit Holmquist and Colonel Baron Friedrich Karl Johannes von Schlebrügge.Her grandfather was a german monarchist and cavalry officer in World War I and became a bussines man in the 1920's and 1930's.When World War II came, he refused to rejoin the military and protected his jewish friends, so he was imprisoned.Birgit, being of swedish, married him while he was in jail, using her national privilege to get him out.Afterwards, they fled to Mexico so they could be protected from the war.Who knew there was such a wonderful love story in Uma's family, right?