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Love Story: Anne Bancroft and Mel Brooks

Being a married couple in Hollywod is not easy and most of them end up in divorce as you already know.That's why our hearts melt when we find out about artists who actually succeded in marriage and had a beautiful life together.This time i'm talking about two Academy Award winners actors : the beautiful Anne Bancroft and the always funny Mel Brooks.

They met in 1961 at a rehearsal for a talk show and Mel Brooks decided he had to see her again.Don't expect him to react like any other normal man who would want to do something about the woman he's interested in.Mister Brooks actually paid one of the women who worked on the show to tell him which restaurant Anne was going to eat that night, so he could "accidentally" bump into her again and start a conversation.When he did meet her, he simply said:  "I'm Mel Brooks and I'm going to marry you." and Bancroft replied: "Hey, I have your record."( a classic comedy album of Brook's).


Turns out that the trick worked out just fine and the pick-up line as well, because on august the 5th 1964 they married in New York City and they had as a witness a passer-by.When Mel's jewish mother heard that her son is going to marry an italian girl she said: " Bring her over.I'll be in the kitchen- with my head in the oven".Despite her negative reaction, they remained married until Anne's death in 2005 and had one son.

Mel Brooks said he spent "the 45 greatest years of his life" with his late wife and that from the moment they saw eachother for the first time until her death they were "glued together".They were seen three times together on stage, both had roles in the movie "Dracula: Death and loving it" but never appeared in the same scene and Anne starred in "The Elephant Man", a movie that Mel produced.

"When he comes home at night and I hear his key in the lock I say to myself, 'Oh good! The party's about to begin." Anne Bancroft on her husband.
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