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Mad Men's Fashion of Final Episodes

Photos of the fashion of Mad Men's tv serie final episodes are finally here and they're very stylish!I don't know about you, but i'm a big fan of this show and i wish it would never end.Those of you who didn't watch it, at least you can take a look at the 60s inspired outfits that the characters are wearing in these photos.

January Jones as Betty Francis/Draper, Christina Hendricks as Joan Harris, Elizabeth Moss as Peggy Olson and Jessica Paré as Megan Draper all loked amazing.While the outfits of Betty,Joan and Meg are not of the ordinary because they represent their style, the one worn by Peggy is very surprising.It's very feminine and daring for Elizabeth's characer to wear a red dress with a string of pearls!What i really like though is the white ensemble worn by Meg Draper!!

Ahh, the always handsome Don Draper makes his appearance in this last photo.He's looking stylish and manly as always.I can't help to think that Sally Draper's outfit makes her look like Alice in Wonderland!
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