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Tv Show: Pan Am 2011 Costumes

Set in the 60's, the Pan Am tv show was named after the famous Pan American Aiways and the plot revolved around the lives of pilots and stewardesses.The four main characters were playes by Christina Ricci, Margot Robbie,Karine Vanasse and Kelli Garner.Although the show had international succes, it wasn't picked up for a second season.
I loved the story ine, but i loved the costumes even more.The costume designer was Anne Crabtree who did a lot of research about 60s fashion so she could dress the characters properly.The Pan Am uniforms were replicas based on an old uniform and twenty craftsmen worked to produce each outfit.

Christina Ricci played Maggie Ryan on the show and she brought a little fame to the show because she was the most well known actress.In the 60's, Pan Am stewardesses were required to be 5'4'', but Christina was shorter than that so she had to wear high heels while her co-stars wore shorter kitten heels.

I'm not going to lie.I had a favorite in this show and that was Kate Cameron played by actress Kelli Garner.Whenever i saw her amazing outfits, i thought that she must be the costume designer's favorite too because she always seemed to be the best dressed.

Back then, Margot Robbie wasn't internationally famout yet, but she caught everyone's attention with her beauty.She played Laura Cameron, Kate's younger sister, who ran away from her wedding and also becomes a stewardess.She had that Grace Kelly look on the show.

Karine Vanasse playes Colette Valois, a lovely french stewardess, who became an orphan during World War II.Her style had that "je ne sais quoi"!

Part of the story, but not one of the stewardesses, Ashley Green plays Amanda Mason who is about to get married to one of the pilots.Her style was similar to the one Audrey Hepburn had.

Annabelle Wallis, already known for her part in "The Tudors", playes the role of Bridget Pierce, an English stewardess.

images via pinterest and google