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Girl With Dragon Tattoos

If you adhere too closely to the story, you might run the risk of making a movie with no real vision that doesn't necessarily adapt well to the screen. But if you deviate too much Although it's been almost three year since David Fincher's THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO hit theaters, Sony and Fincher are apparently still interested in doing a sequel. In an interview with the Swedish site Afton Bladet, the director was asked about In 2015, David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en) co-wrote and directed an adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s highly acclaimed Swedish crime novel The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo starring Daniel Craig (Skyfall) as troubled journalist-turned-detective Mikael David Fincher’s cinematic rendition of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was a peculiar beast. On one hand, the auteur delivered a thrillingly stylish R-rated depiction of Lisbeth Salander — combined with Trent Reznor’s excellent .
girl with dragon tattoos

girl with dragon tattoos

girl with dragon tattoos

girl with dragon tattoos

girl with dragon tattoos
Girl with dragon tattoos