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Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher is 38 years old, Isla Fisher height is  5.3. She born on February 3 1976 in Muscat in the Middle East country of Oman. Her parents are  Elspeth Reid and Brian Fisher. Her father was a banker of UN. In 1980 her family move to Australia. From childhood  Isla Fisher showed her interest in acting and writing. As when she was 9 years old she worked in TV commercial. She also play a small role in the Australian television series Bay Cove in 1993 aka Bay City.  This work help her to play her big role in the television series Paradise Beach in 1993. When that show ended Isla Fisher get an offer to work in a long running soap of Australia opera Home and Away in 1988. When she was working for that soap she found that she has natural art of writing so she indulged in the passion of writing. She write and publish her 2 best selling novels "Seduced By Fame" and "Bewitched". After this success in 1997 reader of FHM magazines picked her as number 35 in the list of 100 Sexiest women in the world. This nomination give her a big boost. in 2003 same magzine place her on number 26 for the same category. 

After these big success in her career Isla Fisher also worked for some films like Wedding Crashers that was realized in 2005. In 2007 she worked in The Lookout  film and Hot Rod and Definitely, Maybe in 2008 , Confessions of a Shopaholic in 2009 and Now You See Me in 2013. In 2014 Isla Fisher ll defiantly show some thing successful like her past. Lets have a look on Isla Fisher.

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher